Last Call: the right team to help you discern God’s will? (102-3) -Barry Werner



Do you have the right team to help you discern God’s will? (102-3)


Christian leaders never find what they are looking for when they abandon God in favor of their own interests. Read 1 Kings 22.

The king of Aram had captured and was now governing Ramoth Gilead, a city that was militarily strategic and economically important to both Judah and Israel. Jehoshaphat king of Judah and Ahab King of Israel determined together to take the city back from the king of Aram.

Jehoshaphat, a God-fearing king, suggested before they make plans to attack Ramoth Gilead that they “First, seek the counsel of the Lord” (v. 5).

So Ahab brought together about four hundred prophets and asked, “Shall I go to war against Ramoth Gilead, or shall I refrain” (v. 6). The four hundred put on quite a show including one prophet that made horns of iron for an object lesson and flatly stated, “This is what the Lord says: ‘With these you will gore the Arameans until they are destroyed’” (v. 11).

Knowing Ahab’s bent toward false prophets that spoke only what the king wanted to hear, Jehoshaphat asked, “Is there not a prophet of the Lord here whom we can inquire of?” (v. 7). Ahab’s reply is revealing, “There is still one man through whom we can inquire of the Lord, but I hate him because he never prophesies anything good about me, but always bad” (v. 8).

How many leaders create an environment that directs their team into “yes” men? Ahab’s prediction about the prophet of God was correct, he was told not to go into battle. Unfortunately for Ahab, he ignored the prophet, did what best served his own selfish interests for the moment and died in the battle.

A dangerous trap for a Christian leader is to choose a team that tells them what they want to hear.

Wise leaders create an environment where their team can speak their opinion freely, even if it differs from the majority. They choose teammates that will help them discern God’s will.

As in the story of Ahab and Ramoth Gilead, God’s opinion may not always be found in the majority.

Do you have the right team to help you discern God’s will? Have you created an environment where your team can speak freely? Effective godly leaders utilize their team to make wise God-honoring decisions.

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