What a Word! ~ Bob Coy

In the beginning was the Word . . . . John 1:1 (NKJV)

The Greeks had a way with words. 

Historians and scholars submit that the Greek spoken in biblical times was the greatest language in human history for communicating thoughts and ideas. The Greek language clearly conveyed complex concepts because its words were so precise. 

For example, there are three different Greek words for the English word love: phileo, agape, and eros. And each one has a specific and subtle nuance that's distinct from the others. 

In other words, Greek was a language that really allowed you to get your point across.

But some concepts were still difficult to put into words. 

What do you call the reason or purpose behind everything that we see happening in life? 

The word they settled on was logos.

John used this very same word in the verse above: In the beginning was the logos. What exactly is he saying? If we skip ahead a few verses, we're given an important piece to this puzzle:

"And the Word [logos] became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."   
 (John 1:14 NKJV)                

John defined logos as the One who came in the flesh and dwelt among humanity. He was obviously talking about Jesus. 

This was a staggering statement to make to John's original audience, because he was saying that Jesus is the ultimate reality, purpose, sense, meaning, logic, wisdom, and reason for life! John couldn't have set a higher or loftier mark in describing Jesus.

And yet, Jesus more than meets this mark. Apart from Him, life is senseless and meaningless, but when Christ comes into our hearts, He brings purpose, reason, significance, and wisdom.

What a Word we've been given!

Discuss the significance of Jesus being the logos and how it impacts your life. 

Dig into John 1:1–14. Who is the Light, and who was testimony to the Light? What are their roles or purposes? 

Decide to seek out someone who is searching for meaning in his or her life. Share how knowing Jesus has given you purpose, significance, and wisdom.
