Jesus—Keynote of God’s Plan ~ Charles Stanley

Jesus—Keynote of God’s Plan

READ | Luke 2:6-11

Jesus’ genealogy may not seem like exciting reading but the context of the His lineage is important (Matt. 1:1-17; Luke 3:23-38). 

The Bible delineates His family tree to reveal God’s handiwork throughout history. Everything He had done from Eden to Bethlehem to Golgotha and beyond was planned.

In the garden of Eden, disobedience ushered sin into the world, corrupting mankind’s nature. So God provided immediate as well as long-term solutions. He shed an animal’s blood so that its skin might cover Adam and Eve’s nakedness. In addition, He set into motion events that would culminate in His Son becoming the sacrificial Lamb of God.

As part of His plan, the heavenly Father promised to bless the human race through Abraham’s descendants (Gen. 26:4), a people whom He set apart to serve Him. Despite periods of enslavement, wandering, and exile, the Israelites grew into a prominent community with a radical belief in one God.

Later, the Macedonian Empire’s mandatory language (Greek) gave far-flung peoples a common tongue. In addition, Jews long separated from their homeland once again had access to Scripture, thanks to translation efforts. In another development, the Romans built 50,000 miles of highway, facilitating the gospel’s distribution throughout the world.

The timing of Jesus’ birth was no accident. His ancestors’ lives were woven into the redemption plan that culminated in Christ’s triumph over death. God used both good and bad events to create the perfect environment for maximum impact.
