Jesus Said: "Freely you have received, freely give" ~ Michael James Stone

-from the desk of the Editor in Charge

Jesus Said.

"Freely you have received, freely give"

Often times in ministries and ministers I have come across people who do the best they can with what they have. They seek the Lord, they pray about a certain course of action, they wait, they do all that most would say a Man of God ought to do.

Then they Act.

In the Word of God, the Bible, we are told we shall all be accountable to Jesus. 

No one escapes this, none will be spared. Some will come to Jesus and He will say to them Depart from me I never knew you, others He will embrace and wipe away our tears.

It is always my hope you suffer now, that you will be exalted later. Because often those who prosper now, fail in many ways to do as Jesus said to do.

I cannot answer for them, I know the grace I stand in and it most certainly needed to cover all my sins. And they are many. 

Having said that, in ministry, I have to make decisions. I have to decide sometimes to post a message that readers may find offensive, and while I could lay that to the Ministry or the Pastor who wrote it. I and I alone bare the consequence of posting it.

To this end, I am very thoughtful of how Jesus is represented. By the Ministries here and the Men of God who are presenting "Devotions" that "should" be the literal "Voice of the Lord" to you Today. That alone is the ONLY reason I post.

That you may Hear His Voice...TODAY.

Faith, acceptance, rejection, debate, discussion, dissent, those are really irrelevant to me as the Editor or BlogScribe as I seek to "Let You Be You" and "Jesus Be Lord". 

As I do faithfully, someday s you will easily recognize God speaking to you. When He does, I hope you listen, but that is between You and Him. I am thankful if you comment, but joy filled if God blessed you by revealing Himself to you.

I know what it is like to Hear God Speak.
I pray the same for you.

Sometimes this means I must stop a ministry from posting here. It isn't necessarily for reasons of gross sin, that is usually covered by the blood of Jesus, the grace of God, and the appropriation of forgiveness and mercy from a Lord who loves us.

No, it is often because a Ministry, minister, or Pastor, turns to the World and it's way of doing things that in some way diminishes or makes Jesus smaller or lesser in stature than He is. And when that occurs, I would rather a post be silent, than to speak things Jesus never said.

I want you to know What Jesus Said, so you can do what Jesus as Lord would want you to do.

I received a well crafted, polite, and seeming innocuous fund raising letter. It stated several reasons why that ministry needed money now. Bigger facility, better bathrooms, bigger church store. Even the 'guilt' line of I serve you was used.

Sadly it was a ministry close to my heart that has gone astray seeking funding in a way Jesus never said.

It is a letter I would be ashamed to post, embarrassed to say it was a Calvary Chapel, and glad it is an exception and not the rule of this movement once considered the Jesus Movement itself.

Reworded, perhaps ignored, but when guilt and misrepresentation of why people go to a Calvary Chapel occurs, I have to say, lets go back to meeting in the tent, because that was the way we did it.

I sent non-responded emails, and pray the best for the ministry through this time of learning to mature. I have seen CC challenged by many who are "good" in what God called them to do, but the pressure to Mega-Size is too tempting for many.

I ask all to pray as I have removed the Pastor and his ministry from this site, but do recommend those in his area to attend his ministry. Jesus does not need your money, in fact, all Calvary's I know, Say:

"If you aren't part of this ministry, or you don't want to give....DON'T" 

Where God abides, God Provides.

As one from the days of 
Firefighters for Christ,
The Christian Lending Library
Last Call
Romaine and Keith Green

I can only say this as these ministries abide, confide and reside in this one rule:

Jesus said:
"Freely you have recieved, freely give"
