Divine Definition ~ Bob Coy

God is love. 1 John 4:8 (NKJV)

How would you answer someone who asked you to define who Jesus is?

If you have an academic background, your mind might grasp for a few of those impressive terms that theologians use to define Him. Well, Jesus is an immutable hypostasis whose infallible kerygma has been universal in its efficacy. Please don't say that.

Or, perhaps if you're not grounded in God's Word, you might make the mistake of describing Jesus according to human feelings and emotions. Oh, I'm so glad you asked. To me, Jesus is like a warm sensation that washes all over me when I visualize a peaceful paradise with my mind's eye. Please don't say that either. Why?

Because there's a better way to define Jesus, a way that people will understand and respond to.
The Bible defines Jesus in a simple and succinct, yet powerful and profound, way. Jesus could have given Himself any definition He wanted, one that filled the Bible cover to cover without fully capturing who He is. But in the Bible's breathtaking brilliance, it defines Jesus in a single word-love. It's the Greek word agape, and those familiar with the Bible know that agape is the kind of unconditional love that can only come from God Himself.

Paul defined agape for us in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, and by substituting the word love in this area of Scripture with Jesus, we're presented with the perfect definition of our Lord:

Jesus suffers long, and Jesus is kind. Jesus does not envy. Jesus does not parade Himself. Jesus is not puffed up. Jesus does not behave rudely. Jesus does not seek His own. Jesus is not provoked. Jesus thinks no evil. Jesus does not rejoice in iniquity, but Jesus rejoices in the truth. Jesus bears all things. Jesus believes all things. Jesus hopes all things. Jesus endures all things. Jesus never fails.

When the time comes for you to explain who Jesus is, don't be too heady and don't be too touchy-feely. Be biblical. Tell others that above anything else, Jesus is love. Then tell them that they can truly know Him by opening their hearts to receive His love.

Discuss the definitions you have heard others give for God. How have you described Him in the past?

Dig into 1 Corinthians Chapter 13. When you replace the word love with Jesus, what stands out to you the most?

Decide to choose one aspect of love, based on 1 Corinthians 13, and put it into practice this week. If you can, choose a particular person who will be the recipient of this unconditional love. Don’t tell the person what you are doing, but see if you notice an improvement in your relationship with him or her.

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