Composite Sketch ~ Bob Coy

Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!

2 Corinthians 9:15 (NKJV)

Yesterday we saw why the word love is used to define Jesus. While this description is accurate, it doesn't completely capture the depth of who He is.

The majesty and complexity of Jesus is so far beyond our comprehension that human language eventually breaks down in its ability to define Him. In fact, when Paul attempted to describe Christ for us, he settled on the word indescribable.

Words can only go so far in describing Jesus, which is why the Holy Spirit has revealed Him to us from a variety of perspectives. A single record would fall woefully short of capturing Christ's character, but through each of the four gospels, a different dimension of Jesus is illuminated, providing us with a more complete picture of Him.

Matthew depicts Jesus as the promised King of Israel. And as such, He is capable of rescuing and delivering God's people from their bondage.

In Matthew, Jesus' authority and ability are seen as supreme (Matthew 28:18).

Mark emphasizes Jesus as the Servant of Mankind. We might even call it "the sweaty gospel" because it focuses on;
His acts of service as He tends to humanity's need (Mark 10:45).

Luke uses the title the Son of Man twenty-five times to identify Jesus in order to establish the connection between Christ and mankind.

In Luke's gospel, we're regularly reminded that Jesus was fully human (just like you and me) and that He was without sin (Luke 19:10).

John takes a totally different angle and reveals Jesus as the Divine Son of God. This perspective sets Him apart from every other "wannabe savior."

John shows us that Jesus alone has the capacity to forgive our sins because He is fully God (John 1:1).

Jesus is indescribable, but the composite sketch given in God's Word sufficiently shows us who He is and why we need Him.

Discuss why God gave us four gospels instead of just one.

Dig into 2 Corinthians Chapter 9. 

What is the context in which Paul describes Jesus as “indescribable?”

Decide to choose one of the gospels to focus on this month. 

Make it your goal to read through it at least once a week,
taking note of how Jesus is described.
