"The man believed the word that Jesus spoke ~ David McGee

John 4:50
So the man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him,

Life Lesson
We should believe the Bible.
How much trouble could we avoid if we simply did what the nobleman in John chapter 4 did? What if we stopped in the middle of crummy circumstances and sticky situations and chose to believe the Word that Jesus has spoken to us? We read the newspaper and believe it. We read stuff on the Internet and believe it. We read the Bible and sometimes we think, "Well, that doesn't apply to me or my situation."
Sometimes we believe our emotions, fickle though they are, over the Word of God. We listen to the skeptics and the naysayers. We listen to our experiences as well as our faulty interpretation of events. Of all the things that we can listen to and believe, the Word of God is the most reliable. It has proven its sturdiness many times through the centuries. It has outlasted all of its critics and still stands ever faithful and true. Many voices are calling out for your attention. Which one will you choose to act on and believe? I choose to believe Jesus and the Word He has spoken to me.
Dear Father,
Thank You for Your steadfast love. Thank You that Your Word has stood the test of time and remains the source of truth and light for every situation in our lives. Please continue this work of opening my heart up to the amazing faithfulness of your Bible. I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.

Living to tell what He died to say,
Pastor David McGee
