Jesus is always seeing with the eyes of love. ~ Mark Balmer

 “Get Jesus to People” by Pastor Mark Balmer;

“Seeing with the Eyes of Love”

Preparing the Soil (Introduction): “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”  (Matthew 7:21)  

Do you ever get up in the morning excited about the day, because you have been given the gift of one more day to share the love that fills your heart and soul? 

How wonderful when our love for the Lord is so big and so strong that there is no way to contain it within ourselves.  We are eager to run into someone—anyone—that needs to be touched by the Holy Spirit who lives in us.  Do you expect that, if God has you cross paths today with someone that He has been calling to Himself, you will have the courage to step out in faith and share what the Lord gives you to share?  

Will you take time to read the Word and pray? 
Will you prepare yourself to do the will of the Father today?  
There is no time like the present to put on all of God’s armor and gear up (Ephesians 6:10-18) for a day that will make the angels rejoice. 
This is the will of the Father.

Planting and Watering the Seed (Growth):   

We can’t judge the heart of a person, but a life devoid of Jesus stands out like a neon sign.  

Behavior gives away the thoughts of the heart.  Jesus wants us seeing those around us with the eyes of love, His love.  When we do that, their behavior gets our attention, but our attention then needs to switch to the heart condition.  Misery shows in the eyes.  I have watched many a documentary of WW II, where one can see the hurting eyes in the wounded souls, with eyes so hollow and so riveted with pain that they cry out for kindness and relief.  Jesus sees this in people that appear to be living wonderful lives.  

They have all the world has to offer, but they are spiritually dead.  

We meet these people every day, but do we take notice of them?  
Do we pray for them and do what God gives us to do? 
A Christ follower will be a person of active faith, with courage enough to meet the challenges in the world today. 

We can do this because the Lord equips us for what He calls us to do (Hebrews 13:20-21).  We must carry out the will of the Father.  God will show us the way to lead these people to Him.  

Sometimes we will only pray silently, while at other times we will have the opportunity to speak of the forgiveness of God.  Sometimes we will give the gift of kindness. 

All that matters is that we are prayed up and ready to look a little deeper into the lives we touch.

Harvesting the Crop (Action/Response): It is imperative that we allow God to work in our lives by submitting to His will.  We can’t do life right without following Him.  And when we get it right, there will be less of us and more of Him.  Soon we find we begin to see people through His eyes, and our hearts are touched, as His has always been for us.  When I see Jesus, I see light.  

The eyes of the world are filled with darkness.  May God help us this week to bring a measure of light, through Jesus, into a soul lost in darkness; God’s mission is,

to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me”, (Acts 26:18).  

Jesus is always seeing with the eyes of love. 
Follow Him and do likewise.

Cultivate (Additional Reading): 1 Corinthians 9:19-27
