We tell other people about Jesus ~ David McGee

Acts 8:35
35 So Philip began with this same Scripture and then used many others to tell him the Good News about Jesus.

Life Lesson
We tell other people about Jesus because Jesus told us to.
Jesus told us in many places of scripture to tell others about Him. He has asked us to tell others their sins can be forgiven if they come to Him. This is the best news that the world has ever heard.
Why then is it so hard?
First, there is a very real spiritual battle going on.
To add to that, we often think that we are responsible for getting someone to believe what we tell them about Jesus. The Bible actually tells us that God is the one who gives the increase. The Holy Spirit is the one who convicts or convinces people of both their sin and their need for a Savior.
What is our part?
Our part is to simply tell others about the Good News.
When we realize that it is God's job to convert, it frees us up to tell others about Jesus. It makes something that could have been terrifying, a sheer joy to speak about. May you find the joy of telling others about the great news about Jesus and place the results in His hand. There are no better hands to leave them in.
Dear Lord,
I know that I have thought it was my responsibility for converting people. I admit that at times I have been discouraged. I thank you for the honor of telling others about you, and I accept that you will strengthen me to do so. Help me to simply tell others of the joy that I have found in you, and direct them on how to find you. I know that you will be faithful to draw them to yourself.
Thank you for making me part of your plan to tell others. Help me to serve you.
In Jesus' name. Amen.

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