People look at Adam's life, they usually focus on the negative ~ Bob Coy


Then the man-Adam-named his wife Eve, because she would be the mother of all who live. -Genesis 3:20 (NLT)

When people look at Adam's life, they usually focus on the negative. After all, sin and death did come to the human race and the rest of creation through him (Romans 5:12). But for our purposes today, we're not going to look at what Adam did wrong. We're going to look at what He did right.

What's that? It might not be so obvious at first, but Adam sets a powerful example of trusting God in the verse above. How does naming his wife "Eve" equate to trusting God?

We need to remember what's just happened at this point. Adam and Eve had just sinned, and now it was time for God to hold them accountable for their actions. In so many words, here's how God says things are going to go down, "Woman, you're going to experience pain and labor as you bring new life into the world, but new life will come. Man, you're going to have toil and sweat in order to live, but you will live." Although they've sinned and have been judged, God promises that this won't be the end of the line. Amidst death, there's the promise of life.

How does Adam respond? He names the woman Eve, which literally means "mother of all who live." By doing that, Adam is saying, "I believe you God. I believe there will be life even though I've done something that deserves nothing but death."

That's the kind of trust that needs to be in each of us. We've all done our share of things deserving of death, but God has promised us life. Do we believe this?

"For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16 NLT)

Discuss, Dig, Decide

Discuss Adam’s actions with your group. What are you believing God for right now? How is God giving you grace in the midst of your mess?

Dig into Adam’s life. Read Genesis 1:26–28, 2:7–25, 3:20–24. What were Adam’s responsibilities? Why did Adam believe God would deliver him in spite of his failure? Do you believe the Lord will deliver you in spite of your failures? Why?

Decide to commit to memory Philippians 3:13–14 and 2 Timothy 1:12. Share with your group the one thing God is calling you to do and how you are trusting Him.
