Our heavenly Father knows when people verbally attack us ~ Charles Stanley

Galatians 2:11-16

The Scriptures record many instances of conflict?between nations, among friends, and in families. Today we see the same types of problems. While fighting, people can say harsh and even unfair words. Their accusations create turmoil and emotional pain. What we believe will determine the way we respond to such difficulties.

Scripture proclaims God's sovereignty over nature (Ps. 135:6), government (Job 12:23), and mankind (Acts 17:25). Nothing in heaven or on earth is hidden from Him or outside of His control. How does this help us in a conflict?

First, our heavenly Father knows when people verbally attack us, and He has promised to protect us. Nothing can touch His children apart from His permissive will. Second, He has the power to work painful times into something beneficial (Rom. 8:28). We can have hope because His will cannot be thwarted, even in bad circumstances. Finally, we are His beloved children. He is a loving Father who understands what we're going through and remains by our side. As His children, we are not on our own.

When we believe in the Lord's sovereign rule, our perspective on hard times changes. Instead of responding with fear, anger, or resentment, we will turn to Him in prayer and ask for guidance.

Conflict is inevitable in our fallen world. When the turmoil's source is our mistake, we are to apologize.

If others are at fault, we may have to confront them the way Paul did with Peter. But we are also called to forgive without exception. As Christ's ambassadors, the way we respond really matters.
