How it all Began..., "Least Most" ~ Michael James Stone

How it all Began..., "Least Most" ~ Michael James Stone

Some Fool gave me "Utmost for His Highest"

Oswald Chambers lived in another time and another place that reached out to my generation and said, "I dare you"...,

and though none of us really live up to it, We try.

It is this kind of devotion to Jesus many of us from the Jesus Movement needed since we were so undisciplined and anti-establishment.

We wanted Truth that was as real as we found Jesus to be.

Keith Green sang of our Hearts ambition to be real...., it was Oswald Chambers in Utmost for His Highest that gave us the reality check we needed daily to follow God as A. W. Tozer reminded us in saying "as a deer panting for water".

No one I know lives Utmost, but we have all read it, and tried, even daily seeking to do so. Some will say it too lofty a goal and too great a price, I might agree.

But when I couldn't follow Utmost anymore I wrote Least Most.

Michael James Stone
