Name Above All Names ~ Charles Stanley

Philippians 2:5-11

Naming a child was a major event for a Hebrew family. The household took great pains in the process of selecting a name, sometimes choosing one that had personal meaning for a parent. For example, Leah chose “Judah” for her fourth child, saying, “This time I will praise the Lord” (Gen. 29:35). Occasionally, a perceived personality trait would determine what a baby was called. Genesis 25:26 shows this to be the case with Jacob (“one who supplants”).

The name given at birth frequently symbolizes to others who that person is. In the ancient world, this was intentional. Even today people subconsciously associate character traits and experiences with names. We all hope that when others hear us called, they will have good things come to mind rather than a sense of dread!

Mary and Joseph had a far different experience from that of other Jewish parents. Instead of choosing the name themselves, an angel told them what their child would be called (Matt. 1:21). The heavenly Father selected His Son’s earthly name to represent His purpose in coming. A day will come when the very mention of “Jesus” will cause every knee to bow and every tongue to confess that He is Lord (Phil. 2:10).

The Hebrew form of “Jesus” means “salvation” or “He saves.” Christ is called many things: Lord, Emmanuel, Teacher, High Priest, etc. But His given name tells His story. He came to save the world from sin. No wonder God gave Him a name above all names!
