Love Man trust God ~ Joyce Meyer

But when He was in Jerusalem during the Passover Feast, many believed in His name [identified themselves with His party] after seeing His signs (wonders, miracles) which He was doing. But Jesus [for His part] did not trust Himself to them, because He knew all [men]; And He did not need anyone to bear witness concerning man [needed no evidence from anyone about men], for He Himself knew what was in human nature. [He could read men's hearts.]
—John 2:23-25

Jesus loved people, especially His disciples. He had great fellowship with them. He traveledwith them, ate with them, and taught them. But He did not put His trust in them, because He knew what was in human nature. That is the way we should be. We should love people, but trust God. I love my husband. He and I have a wonderful relationship together. I don't think I could find a better man to be married to than Dave Meyer. He is good to me. He respects me.
He treats me the way a husband should treat his wife. But, being human, he still sometimes says and does things that hurt me, just as I sometimes say and do things that hurt him.

Why does that happen even in the best of human relationships? It happens because we are not perfect. Only God can be counted on never to fail us, disappoint us, hurt us, or do us wrong. As much as we may love, honor, cherish, and respect others—especially our spouse or our family members—we must not place our trust in the weak arm of the flesh but only in thestrong arm of the Lord.
