Let God's peace rule your heart ~ Jon Courson

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.
Colossians 3:15

The word translated ‘rule’ is a Greek word which describes an official at an athletic event, similar to a present-day umpire. When people ask, ‘Should I move? Should I take that job? Should I marry him?’ I often answer with a question: what’s your heart telling you? If you’re walking with the Lord, the peace of God will be an umpire in your heart calling 'Safe!' or 'Out!'

Women, when he asks you to marry him, don’t say yes if there isn’t a deep sense of peace in your heart. ‘You just have cold feet,’ he’ll say. But I suggest it is much more than cold feet. It is God working deep within your soul.

Don’t move, gang, without the peace of God umpiring and ruling in your heart.
