Least Most: The Most Trusted ~ Michael James Stone

-excerpt from "Utmost with the Least Most"
by Michael James Stone

"The Most Trusted"

"Trust in the Lord with all thy Heart
Lean not into thine own Understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge Him
and He shall direct thy path."  (Proverbs 3:5,6)

There is a short cut to maturity and walking with God I tell everyone about. I also tell them all of their problems can be solved and all of their answers will come from this one short cut.

It will make their life and it will break it. I can tell you, you will never fully be able to live it, but if you do memorize scriptures this should be your first one.
It is one you will never stop using.

Trust in the Lord...,

Who do you trust?

Today, right now, try it. It will ruin your day, or make it a miraculous experience, Say it out loud so everyone can hear it, most especially you. Trust in the Lord.    Trust in the Lord.     Trust in the Lord.

When today the rent is due, who are you going to call? Ghost busters? or are you going to say out loud to yourself for yourself....Trust in the Lord.

When today your son or daughter is told they got arrested for drugs or breaking the law and they need "bail" money to get free which is your first course of action today? Trust in the Lord, even if silently to yourself for yourself.

Today you will run into challenges of life and reminders of living that will determine for you, from God, who you trust.

I can tell you, you don't Trust in the Lord.
You don't trust the Lord like you trust in the world.

Trust is the World for all your worries.
Don't fret you will get by.
In all your life invest in security
and you will never have to worry till you die.

When hurricanes hit in America, people expect someone to come rescue them, and most of the time they do.
As the power go outs, we wait for a few hours to see if it will come back on. When we get laid off we expect to draw unemployment payments to support us because we put money (and trust) into an account to help us when we are unemployed.

When no one shows or the money runs out, what do we do?

MOM, or DAD, is the usual place we turn to. After that is friends, accquaintances, social programs, church etc. Lately we need bailouts so we can bail out of one thing.... Trust in the Lord.

I lived in Alaska ten years. Many times I lived in remote areas we call "the bush". You learn very quickly in winter to survive or die if you are hurt in a remote area. So you pull from deep inside yourself some ability or resource you did not know you have, and most of the time, miracle stories are told.

Oddly, your greatest inner resource is staring at you waiting for you to realize all the ways He provides for you. He is called God and He will use every means possible to help you if you first recognize this one fact:

Trust in the Lord.

You see, or maybe you don't. God sends the Mom or Dad to help. God directs the hearts of people to care for your need. God inspires the government and social agencies to care for the disaster planning. It is God, it is the Lord, behind all that seeks to help another person beside themselves.

Our nature is to get what we want and need and to ignore the other guy. It's starts as a baby and never stops. Put two hungry babies together and one bottle and watch what happens. One goes without. It's almost funny to watch sometimes, but tragic in many ways because THAT IS our nature.

I need, so me first. I trust in my ability to get what I need first, then I will help others.

Trust in the Lord is a remarkable anchor. It makes you choose to do things that if God is telling you to do them, make no sense at all.

Why in the world would a person give up a promising career in sports to go be a missionary and die when he could have made millions and sent the money instead? Jim Elliot Trusted in the Lord.

Why would a person smile when the doctor comes in...again...and says Michael, you won't live past 30 yrs old. He trusted in the Lord, he is writing to you now.

Why would a thousand stories be told of people who chose to do the ridiculous when God told them to to something that made no sense at all?

Because they Trust in the Lord. They will even tell you they did and still try to.

The Most Trusted way to ensure you will survive is ..., Trust in the Lord.

No offense, but it is also the only scripture you will be relearning and relearning all your life. But if you do it today, if you say it out loud every time you fear, every time you worry, every time you feel a need to panic,  you just found a short cut to all the bible really has to say to you.

God has a simple solution for you today where you are, as you are.

"Trust in the Lord with all thy Heart
Lean not into thine own Understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge Him
and He shall direct thy path."  (Proverbs 3:5,6)

Trust I say, 
In the Lord.
