If you are in the market for a lifestyle renovation, the Holy Spirit is on call 24/7~Mark Balmer

Based on “Under His Influence – Emptied and Filled”

by Pastor Mark Balmer;

Message #MB387;

Daily Devotional #2 - “The Great Reveal”

Preparing the Soil (Introduction):

I enjoy watching all sorts of makeover programs. The transformation of homes, yards, and wardrobes brings new perspective along with the confidence to display these changes to the world.

Through the renovation process we will likely be bumped and bruised, but perseverance and discipline will pay off. The ultimate result brings contentment and beauty for us to enjoy and for others to gain benefit.

Planting and Watering the Seed (Growth):

God created man to reflect His glorious image (Genesis 1:27). Yet, generations past and present have proven our failure to maintain His beauty as humanity has drifted away from its Creator.

Civilization as a whole is in desperate need of a makeover as the world is in a declining state of decay. Our bodies were built to last forever, but when sin entered the picture, mortality became a reality. Reading the chronicles of our ancestors, we can clearly see a pattern of construction, destruction, and restoration.

Think back to the beginning: the world and everything in it was created by God; man was created from the dust of the ground; communion with God was broken by sin; the world was wiped out by a flood; Sodom and Gomorrah were burned up; temples were built and destroyed.

Dig deeper and the reasons behind these events reveal one of two things—God loves us (John 3:16), and He hates sin (Psalm 5:4).

Why does the world find itself in this state of ruin?

Because every man since Adam has attempted to be self-sufficient. As we can see from every angle, life apart from God causes our surroundings to fall victim to the very sin He warned us against. A once beautiful dwelling becomes a worn-out, run-down mess—a condition no one wants to find themselves in.

So what do we do to change it?

Before any construction or restoration can begin, preparation must first be made. Land must be cleared, or a home must be emptied, in order for progress to occur. When we reach a point of desperation, God will hear our cry and will send Jesus to begin a new work in our life. He will clear the ground for a new foundation and will remove all the clutter to bring restoration (2 Corinthians 5:17).

No job is too small or large for Jesus to master. Once the groundwork is laid, the Holy Spirit will move in as a permanent resident, and we can be sure that our end result will bring joy unspeakable. We are God’s masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus, to serve Him and love Him, so the world knows the great Architect of our dwelling and sees His beauty in us (Ephesians 2:10).

Harvesting the Crop (Action/Response):

What condition is your life in, currently? Are you in need of a makeover? If you find yourself stuck in a rut or in a state of destruction, help awaits.

Our current state may be enough to get us through life, but is that the desire of your heart? Our Creator God gives us life; our Savior God sustains us through life; and the Holy Spirit gives us the power to live this new life.

This relationship is not reserved for an elite group but for every man, woman, and child. God’s plan of restoration is unconventional according to the world’s standards, so people continue to operate in their human wisdom and strength, finding themselves in desperate need of renovation.

Our worst condition might cause the world to ridicule or ignore us, but remember this:

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

If you are in the market for a lifestyle renovation, the Holy Spirit is on call 24/7. Your great reveal is one prayer away. The change in you will bring contentment of heart and an everlasting beauty the world cannot deny.

  • Have you asked Jesus to fill you with the Holy Spirit?
  • Do you truly believe He can transform your life into a beautiful dwelling?
  • Are you living in the contentment and joy the spirit-filled life brings?

Cultivating (Additional Reading): Isaiah 61:4; Mark 11:24; Colossians 1:16
