God will honor your obedience ~ Raul Ries

A Godly Calling: Obedience

"to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own
husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.

Titus 2:5

I like what Jay Adams, author and counselor, has to say regarding the wife’s in submission and obedience to her husband: “This means if a husband’s thinking is out of line, his wife’s task is to help him correct his thoughts. If his life is out of line, her job is to help him return to God’s path. If he simply is perplexed in a decision, she must bring her best reasons to the decision making process.”

“Help, given respectfully, never conflicts with submission. That is because submission requires her to contribute, to give what she has to offer. And that is what she must do, always in a spirit of respect and with a willinfness to obey even if she doesn’t agree.”

Thought for the Day:

God will honor your obedience and use it as a means of
strengthening your husband’s faith as well.
