God created us to communicate ~ Bob Coy


So God created man . . . -Genesis 1:27 (NKJV)

The Bible teaches that God created us. We aren't the result of atoms and molecules randomly running into each other. We aren't arbitrary. We've been deliberately designed. There's forethought, there's a plan, there's intelligence, and there's logic behind what and who we are.

Why is it so important for us to know this? Because where there's design there's also direction. Where there's a purpose there's also a program. When God created us, He created us with something in mind-to be and to live a certain way. What we are dictates what we should do. Essence drives activity. Construction determines function.

Here's what we need to note next: God created us to be social beings. We see this illustrated by the fact that the first thing God made after He created the first human was another human! He didn't leave man alone for very long because man wasn't designed to exist in complete solitude or total isolation. All of us were designed to interact, to commune, to communicate.

Communication is God's direction and program for us. It's what He designed us to do...and we instinctively do it. Just look at the surge we've seen in cell phones, text messaging, and websites like Facebook and Twitter. What's the underlying impulse that draws young and old, from Pole to Pole, to these things? It's our embedded impulse to communicate, to converse, to connect.

This principle ought to serve as the foundation to our understanding of prayer. It all starts with this inner desire that God has given us to communicate, to talk, and to transact with someone or something outside ourselves.

Discuss, Dig, Decide

Discuss the attributes of our divine design. Why do you think God created us to communicate? What does our ability to communicate tell you about our Creator?

Dig into Genesis 1:27 and Psalm 139:13–18. What do you learn here about the way we are created? Why is it important to understand our divine design? What does the privilege and ability to communicate with God mean to you?

Decide to make this month’s study an intentional time of prayer and connection with God. Commit with your group to daily exploration of the prayer challenge presented in that day’s devotional. Spend some time with your group thanking God for the privilege of prayer and communicating with Him. Ask Him to help you grow in this month’s study.
