A Parable from the Beach~Greg Laurie

A Parable from the Beach
August 20th, 2009 Posted in sermons | No Comments »

Why I do what I do
August 18th, 2009 Posted in Harvest Crusades, Pastor's corner | 11 Comments »
People ask me, “Why hold these Harvest Crusades events? Do they really work? Are lives really changed?”

Yes, they are.

Here is just one of many stories we’ve received:

I don’t know if this message will ever get to Greg Laurie, but if it eventually does, I just want to say thank you. The 2009 Harvest event was my first time accepting God into my life.

My name is Toni Gott and I am 15 years old. I grew up in the Catholic Church, not knowing what I was praying about or even who I was praying to.

When I attended the Harvest, my life was changed. I didn’t know God on a personal level before I listened to you preach. Now that I have accepted that I am a sinner and have accepted the Lord into my life, I feel so much closer to Him.

Mr. Laurie, I just want to say thank you because you brought on this change in my life. When you said at the beginning of the night that “lives will be changed tonight,” I didn’t believe that a few words could make such an impact.

By the time I left the Harvest, I was in tears. Your words cling to my soul and make me realize that I could never be without God. I just couldn’t. I love the Lord so much and I never knew it. Jesus Christ died on the cross for us, for me and I want to re-devote my life to the Lord. I am a new person.

I have had lots of problems as a young girl. I have tried to commit suicide at least three times. I never thought anybody would love me, but now I know God loves me just as I am. You made me realize that God can give me the strength to keep living. As long as I have my faith in the Lord, I will be ok. So again, Mr. Laurie, thank you for changing my life for the better. God Bless.

Sincerely, Toni Gott
