A message from Jon~Jon Courson

Greetings Gang,

Ah, the beauty of our Fathers creative wonders . . . it's overwhelming and awe-inspiring!

Even now, Tammy and I are drinking in of such as we are up in the San Juan Islands of Northern Washington, teaching a wonderful group of folks from Applegate who are camping out here for the week.

Now as awesome and inspiring is the beauty of this place, it really can't hold a candle to what this world is going to be one day not too far away when the Lord Jesus returns and makes this old worn-out, sin-fallen world anew!

We will see a restoration of an Eden-like environment where beauty shall abound and peace shall prevail. Even the lion and lamb shall dwell together in harmony.

"How could that be?", one may respond skeptically.

Well, I think from time-to-time the Lord gives us a sort of "sneak preview of coming attractions."

And that's just what happened for Tammy and me as we came back from Church a few Sunday afternoons ago and found our ten month old Newfoundland puppy named Pawdre (pictured with me above) on our porch with his new "best friend" Rocky.

So click the link given below, and watch a 40 second video of what we saw that indeed previews how it will one day be with all of creation . . . O Happy Day that will truly be!

So take heart gang, for He told us "it is the Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom!"

Even so, Come Quickly Jesus . . . Amen!



Click here for the Pawdre and Rocky Video
