LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. ~Mark Balmer

Let’s Be Authentic!


Based on “Under HIS Influence – The Holy Spirit” by Pastor Mark Balmer; 8/15-16/09,

Message #MB385; Daily Devotional #6 - “Let’s Be Authentic!”

Preparing the Soil (Introduction): LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered—how fleeting my life is. (Psalm 39:4, NLT)

Planting and Watering the Seed (Growth): As Christ followers, our lives are much too short to just go through the motions.

We have great work to do for our Lord, work that carries eternal significance. At times, we may be tempted to just “go through the motions” and lead what appears to be a “safe” life. Yet, that seemingly “safe” life is actually deceptive and not in line with how God intends us to live on a daily basis.

As Christ followers, our Lord has tremendous plans for our lives; plans so marvelous that we cannot even begin to fathom. Life is not about us, it is all about Him.

Yet, at times we may want to say, “God, tell me your plans, tell me how this will all work out. And then I’ll obey You.” Yet, remember that such a life is backwards and requires no faith or dependence on God.

As Christ followers, we must remember and, perhaps more importantly, simply rest in the knowledge that we do not need to see the “big picture” because God does.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

(Proverbs 3:5) “ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

As Christ followers, we should rest in those instructions and loving words from God. As Christ followers, we are blessed to receive instructions on how to live life.

We live by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7)

Our loving God wants us to just let go, stop trying to understanding how everything will work out, live by faith, rely on the Holy Spirit every day, and resist the temptation of simply “going through the motions.”

So every day, decide to simply let go and give your life to Him, resting in the truth that God will take care of you.

Harvesting the Crop (Action/Response):

So how does this translate into our daily lives? How do we live such a life?

As Christ followers, we must stay in close fellowship with our God on a daily basis.

Set aside daily quiet time to speak with God, give Him praise, and give Him thanks.

Tell Him what is on your heart, and talk to Him about the areas in your life with which you are struggling.

Ask Him for guidance, and stay in His Word every day.

Hide His Word in your heart.

Don’t just read His Word, but actually obey His commands and rest in His promises. And importantly, make sure that your daily time with the Lord does not become a ritual or a “motion.”

Make sure that it is real. Our loving God wants an authentic relationship with you.

He does not want you to simply go through the motions.

He wants you, the real you. And He wants all of you. Only then can you lead the life God intends for you.

So every day, decide that you are not going to simply “go through the motions,” but rather have an authentic relationship with our loving and almighty God.

Authentic - this is the way He intends us to live life with Him. Life is much too short to live any other way. Life is much too short to do it by just “going through the motions.”

Choose to live your life as God intends, trusting and relying on the Holy Spirit each and every day.

Cultivating (Additional Reading): Romans 8:16; John 14:16
