For God is my record, how greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ.~Jon Courson

For God is my record, how greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ.
Philippians 1:8
Rather than referring to the heart, Paul’s culture referred to the intestines as the seat of deepest emotions. ‘I long for you greatly,’ said Paul, ‘not just superficially, but deep within me.’

What gave Paul this kind of love? What caused him to pen this epistle rather than pout about his own situation? I believe it was because Paul utilized his prison time to pray. He cared about the Philippians because he prayed for them.

Who’s on your nerves? Who’s robbing you of joy? Maybe it’s your boss or husband, a coach or teacher, a colleague or neighbor. Pray for them, for as you do, a couple of things will happen. First of all, because God answers prayer, they’ll change. But secondly — and much more importantly — you’ll begin to change ...

In Exodus 28, we read that on the ephod, which the high priest wore, was a breastplate. And upon the breastplate were gems representing each of the twelve tribes of Israel. Thus, the people of Israel — those who were often stubborn, backslidden, unappreciative and rebellious — were to be as gems on the heart of the high priest.

But that’s only half the story. You see, inscribed on the shoulders of the high priest’s ephod were the names of the tribes. In other words, the high priest could not carry the gemstones of the tribes on his heart if the names of the tribes were not on his shoulders. Spiritually, the shoulder speaks of bearing burdens. Thus, as the high priest bore the burden of intercessory prayer for the people, he would experience a change in his heart toward the people. He would view them not as dirt clods or pieces of coal — but as gems.

Gang, pray for the people who bug you. Pray God’s blessing upon them. Pray for God’s work to be flowing through them. Pray good things to happen to them. Hold them up on the shoulders of intercession, and you will find that they will become gems in your heart. You cannot be angry or bitter towards someone for whom you’re praying. That’s why prayer is so important — not only because others will change, but because we will.
