Leadership: If your cause is good enough, will people automatically follow? (79-2)~Barry Werner

If your cause is good enough, will people automatically follow? (79-2)

A common mistake leaders make is they think if a cause (their vision) is good enough people will automatically follow. People generally buy into the leader first and then if that leader has a worthy cause, they buy into the leader’s vision. If people initially jump on board because of a worthy cause, unless the leader is worthy there is no loyalty to the leader’s vision. It is never an either or proposition; the leader and the cause always go together. Read Judges 6:11-8:35.

When the Lord called Gideon he asked “how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.” Despite Gideon’s doubts, God used him. The people rallied around Gideon, and he led Israel to the most lopsided victory in the nation’s history. In The Maxwell Leadership Bible, Maxwell writes about Gideon and the Law of Buy-in.

The Anatomy of Buy-in

Gideon progressed from being an obscure member of a minor clan to a leader of the northern tribes. He grew as a leader through several stages:

Started at home (character)
A good leader first proves himself to those closest to him. Gideon started with ten household servants. With their help, he destroyed an altar of Baal, built a new altar to God, and offered the sacrifice requested by God.

Won a key influencer (charisma)
The men of Ophrah grew furious with Gideon when they discovered he had destroyed Baal’s altar. “Bring out your son,” they ordered his father, Joash, “that he may die” (Judges 6:30). Yet Gideon won over a powerful ally in his father. Joash stood up for his son and spared Gideon’s life.

Broadened his circle (credibility)
Gideon won over his city by winning the influence of Joash, then quickly won the allegiance of the Abiezrites (the people of his region), along with tribes beyond his borders: Asher, Zebulun, Naphtali. Even the people of Ephraim joined him. Once a core group of people buy in to your leadership, it’s possible to broaden your circle of influence.

Moved at the right time (culmination)
So many people bought into Gideon’s leadership that God had to send a bunch of them home (Judges 7:2). God reduced the number of Gideon’s followers to 300. Yet when they fought under Gideon’s leadership, they won a great victory – and God received the glory.

Where is your team buying into your leadership and vision and what areas seem to lack support? Which of the areas above have you neglected?

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