If we wait upon the Lord and His timing, it is going to be good.~David MCGee

Monday, August 10th 2009

Romans 15:28-29

"Therefore, when I have performed this and have sealed to them this fruit, I shall go by way of you to Spain. But I know that when I come to you, I shall come in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ."

Life Lesson

If we wait upon the Lord and His timing, it is going to be good.


God is a blessing God. He desires to grant favor to His children. At the same time, we have our own free will, which God will not violate. Sometimes, we cheat God of the ability to bless us when we selfishly and stubbornly force our own way. The Lord's clock does not abide by our calendar. As much as we want things to run according to our own design, God's blueprint is much better. There is an order to things that God has established. He created all the gears, cogs and wheels of life that we do not understand.

Paul had desired to go to Rome but he knew that his trip would be much more profitable in the Lord's timing. He had learned to wait on God's timing and not force it on his own. Sometimes, we have to wait on God. Sometimes, we may know what God has called us to do, yet we know it is not yet time. When we wait on the Lord to say when the time is right, we can know it is going to be an incredible ride! It might not be easy, but it will be good. If it is easy, be careful. Satan will do everything he can to oppose God's plans, and if you are not facing opposition, you may want to pray to see if you are indeed walking in God's timing.

Dear Father,
Thank you for the love, grace and mercy that You extend to me day in and day out. Thank You for Your goodness; for Your kindness. Thank You for the incredible plans You have for my life. Please lead me into and through them in Your timing and not in my own. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Living to tell what He died to say,
Pastor David McGee
Senior Pastor
Calvary Chapel of the Triad
