DAILY DEVOTIONS: "Who do you think of first when making major decisions? (99-5)" -Leadership Principles

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"Honoring God in the Morning"


Who do you think of first when making major decisions? (99-5)

A leader must learn how to relate with their team both as a group and one-on-one. The stronger the leader’s relationship, their connection with the individuals, the more likely there is loyalty, unity, and good work relationships of the team to the leader and to each other. If a leader determines it is the team’s responsibility to work to develop these relationships, it will fail. 

Effective leaders take the responsibility to take the first steps to connect with their team. Read 1 Kings 12:1-24.

Solomon died and his son Rehoboam was put on the throne. Solomon had been a great king but in his later years had shifted from serving the Lord and fairly treating the people to more self-centered leadership. 

Solomon had taken the throne from his father David with the nation’s momentum moving in a positive direction; Rehoboam was taking the throne with the nation’s momentum moving in a negative direction. Some enemies Solomon made in his later years were attacking from outside Israel’s borders. 

Jeroboam, a one time insider on Solomon’s team that Solomon had physically driven from the country, was poised to attack the new king’s authority from within. It was critical for Rehoboam to develop solid connections and good relationships with key members of his team and to make his first few decisions benefit this fledgling coalition and the nation as a whole.

Rehoboam failed to follow good counsel and rashly rejected the advice of the elders. His first decisions as king were unwise because they were based on his self-centered desire to win approval of a few close friends rather than to do what was best for his whole team and the nation. 

Relationship requires giving. Rehoboam wanted to flex his political muscles more than he desired to connect with his people. Selfishness and insecurity usually lie at the heart of those who fail to get beyond themselves. Rehoboam’s bullying only generated contempt.

There is a Middle Eastern proverb that says, “When you were born, you cried, and the world rejoiced. May you live your life so that when you die, the world will cry, and you will rejoice.” 

When you have a major direction-changing decision, do you think of your team first or yourself first? Rehoboam had no interest in what he could give; he aimed to get the maximum. Effective leaders must persistently ask themselves, “What am I doing for others?”

1 Peter 4:10 Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.
