PopDEVO: "Pick Up God's Word" - James MacDonald


Pick Up God's Word


7The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; 8the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes;9the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether. —Psalms 19:7-9

When it comes to developing the discipline of God’s Word, lots of people never make the first, crucial move: to pick it up! They have laid before them a feast they never eat, a priceless gift they never open, an owner’s manual they never consult! No wonder we live such woeful lives!

Psalm 19:7-9 offers us six results that flow from exposure to God’s Word. Read the verses above again. “The law of the Lord is perfect” (7a). That word perfectmeans literally all-sided; many faceted; all encompassing; comprehensive Here are six reliable ways Scripture will affect your life:  

  • It transforms you (see v. 7a)—“reviving the soul.” One translation says it converts the soul. That’s the part of you that needs to be converted and revived.  

  • It gives you wisdom (see v. 7b)—“making wise the simple.” The testimony of the Lord is God bearing truthful witness about Himself to the simple—you and me. 

  • It brings you joy (see v. 8a)—“rejoicing the heart.” The rightness of God's Word brings joy to our hearts. Prolonged exposure means deeper joy! 

  • It dispels the darkness (see v. 8b)—“enlightening the eyes.” The commands of the Lord are so crystal clear that they bring light to the darkness in every human heart. Under the effect of God’s Word we can say, “Once I was blind; now I can see.”

  • It adds stability (see v. 9a)—“enduring forever.” The fear of the Lord is clean, without blemish, undiminished, consistently uncompromised, without delusion or defilement. It’s full strength, you know? God’s Word brings us into right relationship with Him by revealing God to us.

  • It promises justice (see v. 9b)—“altogether righteous.” Man chooses wrong; God administers consequence and ultimately judgment. Man turns from that and repents and believes; and God administers grace.  These are the judgments of the Lord. His Word is His law and He won’t deviate from it..

You can flat out count on God's Word to transform you; give you wisdom; bring you joy; dispel the darkness; add stability; and promise justice. Pick it up! God’s Word will deliver!


  • Which of these effects of God’s Word have I been missing in my life? What specific parts of Scripture address that needs I have?


Father, I want to be that kind of person who delights in Your Word day and night because I know that then I will be like a tree planted by a stream of living water that will penetrate the roots of my life and bring forth good fruit! Thank You for the encouragement of Your Spirit to pick up Your Word and immerse myself in it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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