BobCoy: From cover to cover, the Bible tells us that time is temporary

Devotionals by Active Word

Pastor Bob Coy photo
Eternity is Reality
Tuesday, March 01, 2011

From cover to cover, the Bible tells us that time is temporary. It points past our earthly existence and directs our attention to an eternal realm. A realm that’s just as real as anything else we see in Scripture.

God is presented to us as dwelling in eternity, and we consistently see His involvement with mankind. In Genesis, He steps into the earthly scene and interacts with Adam, Eve, Cain, Noah, Abraham, and Jacob. We see Him doing the same with Moses and Aaron in the Book of Exodus. Skip ahead to the Book of Numbers and you see God’s interaction with Balaam and Miriam. Deuteronomy closes with the Lord personally commissioning Joshua.

The list goes on and on, from Gideon to Samuel to Saul to David to Elijah to Isaiah to Jeremiah to Peter to Paul to John … and so on. Each encounter represents an intersection of time and eternity. It shows us that a greater reality exists beyond this world.

Not only that, but when we look at the actual content of the Bible, we find that a lot of it is devoted to accurately predicting future events. Why is that significant? Because it demonstrates an eternal perspective on human history, since only something outside of time can perfectly predict it. So the very text of the Bible cries out, “Eternity is real!”

Suffice it to say, Scripture is very emphatic when it comes to eternity. It doesn’t second-guess or waver one iota when it comes to its existence. It isn’t unsure or uncommitted about it. The Bible tells us that this world is passing away and that there’s a greater reality we need to prepare for.

In the coming days, we’ll take a closer look at what God’s Word teaches about eternity. But the first rung on our ladder of learning about the eternal is an awareness of its reality.

Think About It…

What does this passage reveal to me about God?
What does this passage reveal to me about myself?
Based on this, what changes do I need to make?
What is my prayer for today?
