BiblicalLeadershipPrinciples: Do you fully understand the value of vision? (163-3)

Do you fully understand the value of vision? (163-3)

Written by Barry-Werner on March 2nd, 2011. Posted in Communicating VisionJeremiahLeadership PrinciplesOld Testament,Personal DevelopmentVision.

The Biblically-based leader always has an ultimate vision of hope and optimism. Read Jeremiah 29:10-14.

Approximately 10,000 of Judah’s brightest and best young leaders had been taken from Judah to Babylon by their Babylonian captors. In a letter to this group Jeremiah gave them a message of hope from God. God declares “I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11. This vision gave the people living in exile a vision of hope that they would return to their homeland that they loved and allowed optimism to seep into a very difficult situation.

Few things are more important to effective leadership than vision. It is critical for a leader to have a vision that compels and directs their team and all the stakeholders in their organization. It is equally as critical for Christian leaders to keep their vision in line with God’s purposes. Godly leaders who are followers of Christ must first have a vision of who God is and the future He holds for them. That vision, in turn, gives perspective to the organization’ vision. Godly leaders must deal with both.

Just as Jeremiah’s letter giving God’s vision for the future some 70 years away created optimism among the captives, a leader’s vision, founded on God’s principles and clearly expressed will create optimism within their organization. Wise leaders understand the value of vision and consistently listen for God’s voice and a clear image of the work He has called them to join in accomplishing.
