MyTwoCents: Holy Day vs Holiday


Holy Day vs Holiday


Holy Days: How you define "Holy" will determine which days are "holy" for you and which are wholly for God.

People often define "holy days" in arguement or protest against something of some "feeling" they have against society, religion, the world, or some hidden sin they have inside. Puritanism, Inquisitions, Orthodoxy and even modern conservatism all have used "knee jerk" reactions to combat what they "feel" is a loss of Holiness, whihc has nithiung to do with Holy Days.


Holy Days are Holy Days because God said so.


Holidays: Holidays are defined by the middle word in them. "I". That is what a holiday is about if you recognize they are derived from some form of celebration that involves you. Holidays are waht you make of them and are NEVER to be misconstrued as "HOLY". They aren't. They are holidays.


The war of ethics and morays of society wage endless battles when the two try to mix. Neither are wrong, neither are right. They exist independent of each other and the person participating in them detemines for themselves the personal valuation of each.

The humor is God uses both.

The funnier than that:

God uses you.


What you do is up to you.

Posted via email from ..................The Last Call Digest
