JonCourson: "there is often a period of time between when the promise is given and the fulfillment of it is seen"


February 9
And the LORD gave unto Israel all the land which he sware to give unto their fathers; and they possessed it, and dwelt therein.
Joshua 21:43
God gives a promise and then keeps it - but there is often a period of time between when the promise is given and the fulfillment of it is seen. Therefore, don’t give up. Don’t be cynical. Instead, keep to the course to which God has called you. Believe the promises He’s given to you in the Word. And, with faith and patience, you’ll inherit them.

I wonder how many people give up a month, a day, or an hour too soon and just miss God’s blessing. In Hebrews 6:15, we read that it was after Abraham patiently endured that he obtained the promise. Abraham goes down in history and is celebrated throughout eternity as a man of faith. He heard the Word. He mixed it with faith. He patiently endured - and he obtained the promise.

Believing might have been simple for Abraham, perhaps you’re thinking, but me? I don’t have faith that God will bless my marriage, my kids, or my job. I can’t believe because my faith is so weak. Are you sure? I suggest that your faith is huge, colossal, titanic in size. After all, you’re in the hall of faith, in the company of Moses and Abraham, Sarah and Gideon . . .

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Hebrews 11:3

Your belief that God created all things is itself an indication of the colossal size and strength of your faith. Believing God created the world out of nothing is the hardest thing to believe. Everything else is a piece of cake by comparison. The second biggest issue deals with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe,” Jesus said to Thomas after Thomas said he wouldn’t believe Jesus was alive until he touched His wounds (John 20:29).

Do you believe Jesus rose from the dead? If so, I suggest with a sparkle in His eye and a grin on His face, Jesus would say, “Awesome! You haven’t seen Me physically, but yet you believe in Me. You are a blessed person!”

Therefore, when the enemy whispers in your ear, “You’re not going to see that happen. You’re never going to see that work out because your faith is too weak,” you need to say, “I believe creation was accomplished by my Father. I also believe Jesus rose from the dead. I couldn’t believe either one of those things had not the Father given me huge, colossal-sized faith. He has given me faith for the big issues, and everything else - health, finances, relationships - is miniscule by comparison.”

Mix the Word with faith. Patiently endure - and, like Abraham, you’ll obtain every promise He has made to you.

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