DailyLeadership: Do you develop your team or use them for personal gain? (162-1)

Do you develop your team or use them for personal gain? (162-1)

Written by Barry-Werner on February 21st, 2011. Posted in Core Truths, Example, Fairness, Jeremiah, Leadership Principles, Mentor, Old Testament, Power and Influence, Relationships, Stewardship.

Leaders are in demand when they see the personal growth, well being, and mentoring of their team as part of their leadership responsibility. Read Jeremiah 23:1-16.

God spoke harsh words through His prophet Jeremiah to the leaders of Judah for how they treated the people they led. Verse one starts with the words “Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering …” In this context the word “Woe” is used as a threat to indicate that the shepherds (the leaders) would regret something or be punished in some way. God had put these leaders in charge to care for the people of Judah as a shepherd would care for the sheep in his flock, not to see them as a burden or as someone they could use to advance their own wealth or comfort. 

Jeremiah gave some criterion under which God would remove a leader. Wise leaders will do some self-evaluation concerning the following:

  • Do you develop your team or use them for personal gain?
  • Do you scatter the team building organizational growth in silos so you can maintain total control or do you unite them behind a cause so each can utilize their strengths?
  • Do you use your power fairly or in a self-serving way no matter what the effect on the team?
  • Do you mentor people, developing Biblically sound core values or is your example to the team that you will violate those core values if it is for your benefit?
  • Do you foster an environment of integrity and honesty or at times do you reward what ever behavior it takes to get the job done?
  • Do you exhort and correct according to the established core values as needed or do you look the other way to avoid confrontation?

Leadership is a privilege but also a responsibility. Christian leaders are stewards who manage the resources that are entrusted to them by God. When leaders participate in the development of their team’s potential, they are acting as faithful stewards of a divine responsibility. Effective leaders manage and develop the capabilities of the people on their team and do not feel threatened if a member of their team is a rising star that moves beyond their team to even greater responsibility. Wise leaders constantly look for the potential of those on their team seeking to find ways to bring out their dignity and character and to unleash the capability in them.

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