DailyLeadership: Do you define what needs to change as part of the change process? (160-1)

Do you define what needs to change as part of the change process? (160-1)

Written by Barry-Werner on February 7th, 2011. Posted in Change/Innovation, Core Truths, Jeremiah, Leadership Principles, Old Testament, Problem Solving, Skills.

Effective Christian leaders are not paralyzed by change. They seek to analyze situations so they can make changes that actually fix the problem. Read Jeremiah 9:1-12.

In verses 1-11 God uses His prophet Jeremiah to point out how the people of Judah had rebelled against Him and to foretell of the terrible results of their actions. In verse 12 He asks the question “What man is wise enough to understand this? Who has been instructed by the Lord and can explain it? Why has the land been ruined and laid waste like a desert that no one can cross? Defining what needs to change is often the toughest part of the change process.

Since most practices are initiated for a purpose and only lose their usefulness over time, it takes a wise leader to know when practices or conditions must change. Just a few questions to ask as you consider if change is necessary and if so what needs to change:

  • Have you drifted from the core values the organization was founded on? Core values are foundational and do not change with changing times. If there is drift from the core values, your focus needs to change to re-focus on the importance of the core values. This was the problem Jeremiah addressed in ancient Judah.
  • Do your activities support the organization’s original mission? How many pastors get lost in the management of the church rather than shepherding the flock!
  • Has the environment or market for your goods or service changed? Burning coal will still heat a building but there isn’t much of a market for coal fired furnaces in homes or businesses.
  • If change is required is there a way to implement change in incremental stages or does it need to be all or nothing?
  • If drastic change is required can you still champion the cause? When automobiles changed to gas powered engines from steam power, many manufactures closed their doors. They were not interested in converting their facilities and work force to the gas engine technology.
  • Have you sought God’s wisdom concerning the need for change? Christian leaders should seek God’s counsel and seek to understand how the change fits into God’s purpose for their life.

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