AskABibleTeacher: (Islamic Anti-Christ?, Could They Have Changed That Much?, Give To everyone Who Asks) -Jack Kelley

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Islamic Anti-Christ?

Q. Is the “12th Imam” the anti-Christ?  Do you believe the anti-Christ could be Muslim?  I’ve always been taught and believed “He” would arise out of the revived Roman Empire.


A. For several years I’ve been writing that Muslim prophecies of the 12th Imam are very similar to Christian prophecies of the anti-Christ. There’s also the current reality that Islam is better positioned to become the one world religion of the end times than any other.  And remember, the eastern leg of the Roman Empire consisted of lands currently occupied by some of the most militant Islamic nations.  The possibility that the anti-Christ could come from one of these nations would not conflict with the prophecy that he will emerge from the revived Roman Empire.

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Could They Have Changed That Much?

Q. If we are all descendants of Noah’s sons, how is it there are many cultures where the disparity of knowledge is so vast?  How would it be possible to “forget’ the basics of a culture one came from when it would have been every day practicality?  How would people change so much, and in such a short time?


A. It only takes one generation to change a culture. For example, after God had done His miraculous work bringing the Israelites out of Egypt and into the promised land, Judges 2:10 tells us that the next generation neither knew the Lord nor what He had done for Israel. According to Genesis 10:5, 20, and 31 each of the 70 family groups that came from Noah’s three sons had their own language.  That means there were 70 independent cultures adopting new ways all at once with out any coordination between them.  I think you can see how they could become noticeably different within just a few generations.  There have been nearly 100 generations since then.


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Give To everyone Who Asks

Q. I think we’ve all – at one time or another – been approached by a stranger asking for money because (supposedly) they’re in a desperate situation and need help. You give them some money but walk away wondering if you’ve just been conned (and I’m not referring to your obvious street person, pan-handler, etc.) Don’t Christians have more to consider when confronted like this (i.e., what does God expect from me, the parable of the Good Samaritan, entertaining an angel unawares.) I don’t mind helping someone who truly needs help – if I can; I just don’t want to be an easy mark. How do you think a Christian should handle this type of situation?


A. Luke 6:30-31 says, “Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you.”

To me this means that our responsibility ends with the giving. The person who asks of us will be held accountable for how he uses our gift. I truly believe that the Lord will restore the money we give if we do so purely as a show of gratitude to Him. I also believe that by doing so we’re storing up treasure in Heaven. If that makes me an easy mark, so be it.

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