One Thousand Years: Genesage "The Lesson" (Chp3:12a)

One Thousand Years


"The Lesson"


It hadn't been easy really for anyone to change from a World of War to a Kingdom of Peace.

The first noticeable differences were obvious when the animals quit eating each other. That alone was shocking enough. The Lion smiling at you was nothing compared to all the predators that had now become domestics.

And they said Man’s Best Friend was a Dog.

With all the Animals of the Kingdom as One, it would have been a stretch to say Dogs were the favorite of men now. So many had “returned” from seeming extinction and there was a lot to be said for a Dodo Bird or a Wallabe.

Someone said if you wandered it New Yisrael far enough you could even find a dinosaur or two.

Prey to Praise the obvious difference from the previous god of the World, “Satan,” to the King of the Earth showed in his loyal and freed servants.

Everything it seemed and everyone was about, the pleasure of the Great King in Jerusalem. All Creation declared his glory and the seeming handiwork of this “New Age” revealed His Grace Mercy and Love .

Yet seeing a previous world completely devastated by rebellion to God and His wrath poured out had changed everything.

Not some things, everything.

What most of the Survivors hardest issues was the fact that they had seen the world destroyed. They had seen it done, lived through it, but really couldn't accept that the whole world had been destroyed.

Surely something was left.

With all the illusions created by their televisions, all the games played on their computers, all the movies making reality seem unreal. The drugs to distort perception, the brainwashing to abuse reception of anything ‘godly’. The Kingdom Age was foreign to them.

This reality was unacceptable.

With never even knowing reality as it was from Gods perspective, no one could accept real life. They presumed what they had “seen, heard and understood” before, was real.

This was like being abducted by UFO’s.

It would take generations to really adapt.

Having been a technological society and for the most part egocentric, they could only see themselves as the center of their own universe. 

I am therefore I am the foci.

Most could not adjust to existing exocentrically so they lived in denial.

“What do you mean I am not the most important issue?”

To have a lifestyle as agrarian on a level no one could have imagined much less comprehend left many Old Timers at a loss for personal value or worth.

How could this be heaven when it felt so foreign?

Add to that to try to be deicentric, even though they had been the few to see God, the psyche of mankind had existed too long as his own god to give that up even in spite of the Judgment and Tribulation.  

God had chosen to “Change the World” and He did it His Way.

History was now becoming HisStory.

There was no vote and no democracy. It was His Kingdom with His King. No points of references remained except Jerusalem and that mostly in name only. 

Even the Promised Land was different.

Everything in it was alive and… well…alive. That was still being adjusted to.

The rest of the world was hard to imagine.

Mountains had been removed. Oceans weren't the dominant mass. The continents had been shoved back together. Climates were almost tropical. The consequences that everyone had previously feared had caught up with Mankind. If it had not been that God had a plan for HisKind; the survivors surely would have gone mad.

Just the differences between the World that Was and The Kingdom that had Come, was still causing many to have problems adapting.

HisStory, HisKind,

Eben wondered when those with him would become HisImage and release the old self servitude ManKind had produced.

Mankind which once had been given rule had now become ruled.

Man claiming to have Free Will and free choice had made himself into slavery and servitude. His rose colored glasses he wore while endempturing himself to time and technology never realizing that distraction was the only attraction of his efforts.

He was enslaved to Himself as his own self-gratification.

His whole accomplishments in his Industrializations and Inventions were simply distracting Him from the Truth.

The Truth that  there were forces he never acknowledged existed and frankly denied. God, Hell, Heaven, Satan and Jesus, and the knowledge thereof was forfeited for those who could turn on a computer or drive a car.

ManKind knew more about God when Jesus first came and spoke.

By the Time Jesus returned, ManKind was deaf dumb and blind. He couldn’t recognize, hear, see or know God as real.

Two thousand years later when he should have been wiser and more intelligent regarding the things of God and the Holy, he had become foolish.

When so many could have known the Messiahs return, so few were ready and were left behind to die and suffer. 

At the height of his seeming intelligence he had enslaved himself and created the perfect environment for the anti-Christ to come.

He hadn't saved the world with his inventions or drawn closer to God but had handed the World over to the Evil One on a silver platter.

There was nothing Satan had to do that mankind hadn't already done for him and put into motion. It was the ultimate humiliation and yet…,

Jesus and those who had been ready came back and rescued the Survivors

But this wasn't about looking back, but forward…,

After all when the 1000 years was done….Woo Hoo!!

Eben thought,                   

A New Universe and Heaven and still more to come.

This Kingdom Age would end just like the Church Age had ended.

Eben stopped in front of the Bush and all 12 gradually arrived with him as He surveyed the damage.


Thought Eben,                

How do you call a rose by any other name? Except a rose?

Of course this spherical ball of blooms extending in every direction 12 feet high and 7 feet wide…, it hardly resembled a thorny bush once seen in the land before Kingdom Time or Garden Time as Eben fondly called this age.

Ages to Ages his Memory was still sharp, but something's you just wish you could forget. 

Eben considered:

Like now.

"Thomas Son of Darin and Mary,

Survivor of the Rebellion,

Chosen to Salvation,

appointed to BethlEben

Named Brother Tom

Will you step forward and Listen?"

The common answer was,


It was debated what would happened if someone actually said No.

Not that the tone or formal greeting was offensive, in fact it sounded inviting and Messiah Jesus spoke often in such formal terms at the Great Celebrations three times a year in Yerushalayim Jerusalem.

However, when Eben was this soft spoken…,

everyone "heard" what he was about to say.

Tom stepped forward and all eyes were on his back.

"I see where you took the offering and I understand you are learning Melech halacha (The WAY of the King)?

Do I see correctly?"

Again the tone was soft and hardly an indication of what Eben was leading to could be heard.  


"Brother Tom,"

           The tone seemed even tenderer if possible.            

"Did you hear anything when you took the offering?"

Quizzically Tom looked back at the eleven now seated in various groupings and searched their faces as some looked away. Others looked down, and some stared back (of course it was the two brothers).

Caleb Quaker Oats said, 

"I heard Delilah snoring"

Immediately she slapped Caleb on the arm.

Tom looked back at Eben and simply said,               


"My question this morning was the difference between an Offering and a Sacrifice.

Will you Stand and Learn Now,

Hear and See the Truth of the Kingdom of God?"

Eben stated.           

Everyone sat up serious now.

Something had changed and you could feel it in the air and the Voice.  It was as though something or someone unseen had suddenly joined them. You couldn’t see anyone else there, but you could feel them.

Fear was unknown among the children born into the Kingdom, but they knew what feeling uncomfortable was like. This felt like that.


Tom replied.           

"Wait here for me to return."  

Eben said.       

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