One Thousand Years: Genesage " Is Murder Killing?" (Chp 4:5)

One Thousand Years


" Is Murder Killing?"

(Chp 4:5)

How could anyone ask him to that?

To kill in cold blood, that was bad enough. He could not kill. It just wasn’t him. Not that he minded other people killing. Chicken, Beef, maybe turkey, but people? He was being asked to commit murder.

Murder his own wife?

Participate in her suicide? Duplicity? Complicity? Where did killing end and murder begin? Did it ever? Wasn’t life sacred or something? He couldn’t  do what she wanted.  Kill her so she could be spared the misery, the agony, the suffering that all were going through.

Then what if he did?

What would he do? How could he live? How could he bear the pain and responsibility? And yet…,.  He understood, even if he could not do it. Oh yeah he understood her well enough.

She was choosing to make him responsible for her in either dying or living in misery. Till death do us part had nothing to do with it. The only vows that applied now were, me, myself and I.

He was guilty either way. It was his fault. That was marriage. At least marriage as He knew it.

With incredible fascination he watched her end her life.

At least the life he had known her as.

She tried over and over again. Trying to die. Trying to kill herself. Stabbing vital organs. Cutting arteries, even limbs. Mutilating herself beyond recognition. Her voice was gone and like so many others who could not accept that they could not die. She had kept trying. And with each “trying”,  and with each failed attempt,  she screamed for hours afterwards. Screamed till she tried again.

God took death away, but he didn’t remove pain.

It was still there.

Now there was only wailing and whimpering, gnashing of teeth and moaning. A limbless body with hardly a recognizable face and only one arm left. She had done all the damage she could to herself and was left with a unrecognizable gurgling mass of tortured flesh and blood.

The Blob had come to life, except the Blob was his wife.

No horror movie had prepared him for this. None. How could it? Reality was so much more than fantasy, the surreal only occurred when the mind could take no more.  Yet with fascination a part of his mind almost felt like this was warranted. That in some way they deserved what was happening. Somehow He was at fault. Maybe He was, maybe they all were.

It was as if after creating the horrific, even if only in book and movies, chickens had come home to roost, the seeds that were sown were producing a harvest. It was paying the piper, what had gone around had come around.

It was reaping what they had sown.

No doubt some who had created such monstrosities were now living them.

They might even have become them.

Where were the horror writers now? Who was applying the special effects to create to horrendous a scene that the rating surely had to be the letter “I” instead of an “R” or an “X”. “I” for insanity.  Only the mentally insane are allowed to watch.

All the movies were nothing by comparison to what real life had dished out. In a perverted pleasure Tom wished the great gore and shock writers were here now. He suspected they were.

Capture and imprisonment had come as a relief to Tom. He was removed from his wife. That alone helped some. Out of sight, out of mind, but with so much to see, they were all constant reminders around him.

It was planned that way.

Tom Had been taken to a prison for beheading while the remains of his wife… like so many others who were beyond mutilation…. were hauled off to the Pit. The Prisoners Internment Trench (P.I.T.).

It was designated as such when the bodies piled up so much during the World Wide Holocaust it was easier to discard the Worlds Refuse in a place deep enough to contain it.

Oceans gone the Marianna Trench was becoming the Low spot on earth.

The Pit, no one realized just how true that had become. The huge chasm that had opened up in the mariana rift that had once been in an ocean now lay exposed and bare.

The rift itself had been where two tectonic plates shoved together and overlapping as the newer sealed the older. Overlapped as though SOMEONE had sealed an opening there.

When the asteroid hit it instantly vaporized a great majority of the world Ocean Mass. The resulting upthrust of the tectonic plates exposed the Mariana Trench. As waters were vaporized into gases they rose and were contained in the New Cloud Covering the World over.

The plates had separated, a valley was exposed. At the End of the Valley, a cave. Inside the cave, a pit leading downward.

Instantaneous death left mass graves and burial impractical. So many billions had died a crematorium would be impractical. Still the plagued needed to relocated and they could serve a function. They would be the “New” grave keepers. Custodians of the mandated incineration of all dead carcass.

Since the valley was downhill, the cave was wide open like a jaw, the “pit” exposed to a magma lake deep in the bowels of the earth. The Plagued Survivors were located in the valley to transport dead to the “Pit” and cast them in the lake of magma, lake of perpetual fire.

It seemed a perfect fit, as long as no one “went there”.

Burial and disposal in the Marianna Trench for the Masses of Billions dead, burial in the “Center of the Earth” so to speak. Cremation the actual “burial” in the Great Tribulation.

What started as a practical solution to the nations of the World soon became evident of a more sinister solution by a World Leader who would soon be revealed as false.  

Who knew the a cave leading downward had a been a permanent ficture? A Cave actually into the mantle of the earth. A place that had been sealed for a millennium or more. Sealed by the Waters above it. Chained by the gravitational forces in it. Encompassed by the pressures of the earth around it.  

Holding back what was with in it.

It was said the Demonic revolt had come out of the Pit.

No one knew for sure, they weren’t there to see it. By that time it was too late anyways, everything was in place and accomplished.

There were rumors of strange occurrences happening there long before the World Leader was revealed for who and what he was. Dead bodies deposited in the Prisoners Internment Trench were proported to “come back to life”.

Zombie like, it wasn’t a real resurrection, but a gholem like occupation of the dead body that imitated resurrection. An anti-resurrection of the dead bodies that never left the PIT, but remained in the trench walking up and down its length.

Occupying the valley which gave it it’s Latter name of “Valley of the Damned”.

Or so the “underground” newspapers said.  Once the ocean that was covering it was removed, escalating arcane events occurred in the ‘Valley’. “Miraculous” mythological events.

Reports grew till finally the Demonic was released by God from the actual Pit in the great Tribulation. Various beasts with arcane looking ability plagued and tortured till their time was up and they too had been cast back into the depths of the "Pit" below.

Now the undead dying who were still living were hauled off to there.

They were cast into that fiery chasm that seemed like an open mouth eager to devour.

According to the guard that told him Tom this, the screaming and wailing never ended.

No one like the journey to the Pit and even the guard was repulsed.  To get to the Pit itself you has to travel down the long trench that now was called the Valley of the Damned. 

Down there…, once you got close to the opening you could hear them all.

It was a sound no one ever forgot.

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