What generates passion and purpose in your leadership life? (98-5) ~ Barry Werner

What about being a leader makes you get out of bed in the morning? What makes you tick? What generates passion and purpose in your leadership life?

Few leaders can articulate a clear purpose statement that they are passionate about for their life.

It is ironic that some leaders put more time and energy into planning a two-week vacation than thinking about their leadership passion and purpose during this earthly journey.
Read 1 Kings 6:1-8.

Solomon had been king of Israel for four years. David, his father and predecessor, had left the kingdom in good shape and David had insured the transition of power was seamless, launching Solomon’s leadership to a high level of momentum from his first day in office. Solomon was probably now only about 22 years old but had established his leadership, selected his team, negotiated treaties with neighboring nations to insure continued peace for the people and won the hearts of his people.

This point, when momentum had been established and the enterprise could seemingly run on auto pilot, is a danger point for most leaders. Without passion and a purpose that becomes a driving force (that is “bigger” than they are) even leaders whose desire is to serve and honor God can begin to make assumptions about the future and develop work and thought patterns that will ultimately limit their effectiveness as a leader.

Wise leaders understand the power in having a passion and a purpose that is bigger than the moment.

Solomon had a passion to build the temple with such care and excellence that its beauty and perfection would honor God and draw others to worship Him. He spared no expense; everything was done with quality and precision, including those things that would not be visible when the construction was complete. 

Solomon, even as a young man, knew that his passion and purpose as a leader needed to be directed toward God and His kingdom. Wise Christian leaders develop a passion with an eternal perspective that guides them during this temporary earth part of their journey.

What ignites your passion? Do you have a passion and purpose that will honor God when others evaluate your work and see how you have lived and led? Are you seeking to discover God’s deep passion and purpose for your life and participate in it?

“So we make it our goal to please (the Lord), whether we are at home in the body or away from it.”

2 Corinthians 5:9

« Have you communicated a vision that captivates others? (98-4)
Who are you striving to please? (99-1) »
