Invest Your Life ~ Mark Balmer

Based on “Foolish Wisdom” by Pastor Dave Folkerts; 10/31-11/1/09,

Message #DF143; Daily Devotional #4 - “Invest Your Life”

Preparing the Soil (Introduction): What have each one of us been given? Everyone reading this has been given the gift of life (Acts 17:25). What we choose to do with our gift determines our final destination. We are allowed to make choices, both foolish and wise. By God’s design, what seem like the most foolish choices are often the wisest. We, as was the apostle Paul, are obligated to share the gospel with both the wise and the foolish (Romans 1:14). It is in our everyday choices that we teach others about our awesome God, or give them no cause to seek Him and His ways. And we can teach no one what we ourselves have not learned.

Planting and Watering the Seed (Growth): So what is it that we must learn? Let us start at the beginning of a life that matters, a life that makes a difference in the kingdom of God; one that begins with salvation and then a commitment to walk with God. At the moment of salvation, you become an utter fool to the world’s way of thinking. Why? Because you have begun a life of faith. You have entered a different Kingdom with different rules and requirements. It is a life where you give out of the overflow of what God first gives to you. You invest your life and all your talents in the spirit of love and humility. You work to please the One who gives you eternal life, and your goal is to lead others to Him, as you worship Him yourself. But the most amazing thing of all is the joy that comes to the heart that gives willingly and consistently. “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7) The world will never understand, but Christ followers must allow themselves to be thought of as foolish people when they dare to step out in faith. Then the kingdom of God will grow and prosper here on this earth, waiting for the return of Jesus. The longer a person walks with the Lord, the less he or she will want to hold onto anything but the truth in God’s Word.

Harvesting the Crop (Action/Response): It is often difficult and lonely to step out in faith, not to mention the fear that sometimes attacks us before we even take that first step. People will not understand, and some will turn away from you. Don’t let that deter you. Remember the red bracelets: “Follow Jesus - Live Dangerously.” God has a mission for each of us. Isn’t it time to find the area of ministry you have been called into for this time in your life? God is able to use even the smallest of efforts, and He is also able to fine-tune those who have already stepped out to make us even purer vessels. In the beginning we invest our lives, and in the end we reap eternal blessings. And yes, all along the way we meet many mockers and unbelievers, but we band together with believers in prayer and thanksgiving, remembering why we love Jesus: because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). He held nothing back, but gave everything for us!

Cultivate (Additional Reading): 2 Corinthians 9:10-12; 2 Corinthians 8:10-12

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