Grounded in Truth ~ Mark Balmer

Based on “What Satan Doesn’t Want You to Know” by Pastor Mark Balmer;

11/7-8/09, Message #MB395; Daily Devotional #2 - “Grounded in Truth”

Preparing the Soil (Introduction): An old and beautiful hibiscus bush was growing and flourishing in a yard about a block from the ocean. The owner died. The new owner wanted it gone, so he had someone dig it up to be discarded. The man who worked for the owner didn’t want to destroy something so beautiful, so he dug it up, wrapped the root ball in a plastic bag and took it home. It sat there for a few days until he was able to plant it. It appeared as if it would not survive. All the leaves were gone and it had gone into shock. The man watered it when he first planted it, but then he said to himself, “God and the rain will take care of the rest.” He watered it no more as he was too busy with other things. Someone else took notice of the new planting and began to water it everyday. This person watched over it and when the buds opened, the person was glad but cautious. There were no new leaves at first, and it looked as though it might not survive. Then one day, new green shoots appeared, and it was certain that the old transplanted bush had found a good home. Its roots were taking hold, the sun was shining, and the water was being supplied. While it had been uprooted and cut off from all life giving sources, it had been quickly dying. Satan’s goal is to separate the believer from the “life giving” Word of God. He wants us to believe we’re fine. Just as cut flowers with buds will still bloom, when in reality they are dead, cut off from all source of life giving nutrients, so Satan wants us to believe we don’t need to feast on the Word daily, and he certainly doesn’t want us to know that we can’t survive spiritually without it. But the truth is that the sun, soil, and water are to the hibiscus bush as the Word is to man. “…It is written: Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4)

Planting and Watering the Seed (Growth): Those who have accepted God’s Word as truth have been transplanted from certain death in the enemy’s realm to eternal life in God’s Kingdom. God has given us His Word to lovingly nourish us. His Word is our light, our good soil, our gentle rains, and our future. He guides our growth and stays close by to encourage us. He watches over His Word, and it does not return to Him without prospering (Isaiah 55:11). The enemy would love to dig us up and see us devoid of truth, and he can do that if he can get us out of God’s Word. He would set us by the side of the road and turn his back. Our roots would be exposed, and the sun would scorch instead of nourishing, the rain would wash away any clinging soil, the wind would blow away any remaining moisture, and certain death would come because the roots would no longer be planted in the soil. So it is when we are not planted in God’s Word on a daily basis. We must know the Word, so that we can hide it in our hearts (Psalms 119:11).

Harvesting the Crop (Action/Response): It is so easy to set the Bible aside for a day or two, or three or four. Then, though we may still have a few buds that will bloom, but since we are cut off from our spiritual life source, one day there will be no more flowers blooming, and we discover ourselves uprooted and left along the roadside. Though we are parched and seemingly dead, God will rescue us if we call out to Him, and He will care for us with His very own hand. He will once again plant us firmly in His Word and give us grace and even greater mercy. It is not His will that any of us should perish (2 Peter 3:9). Jesus said that He would not lose even one person that God has entrusted to Him. We have choices, and God loves us with a greater love. Hope abounds, as does the truth of God’s Word. Get grounded in truth, and let Satan be the one left at the roadside. Know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8:31-33)!

Cultivate (Additional Reading): John 6:32; Psalm 18:16 (MSG)

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