Prophetic Proof ~ Bob Coy

Prophetic Proof

And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts . . . .-2 Peter 1:19 (NKJV)

We have discussed that the Bible is central to the Christian faith because it is inspired by God. But if you're a critic when it comes to this concept, you may be saying to yourself, Wait a second. You just built your case about the Bible based on what it says about itself. That's like pronouncing someone "not guilty" in a trial just because they said so.

Is our faith in God's Word founded on this kind of circular reasoning? Do we believe in its inspiration simply because it claims to be inspired? Or do we have another way of proving that it is what it says it is? Pay attention-this is an important point! If we answer no to the last question, then the Bible becomes just another book in the stack that represents the religious philosophies of mankind. But if we answer yes, if there's actually a way to prove this book is from God, it means that its contents are flawless and our faith's foundation is firm.

I'm glad to share with you that the answer is a resounding Yes! We do have a way of proving the inspiration of Scripture-prophecy. In his second letter, Peter proclaimed that we who believe have the prophetic word confirmed. Another version reads, We have also a more sure word of prophecy. The Greek word for sure means "to fix something in place so that it remains stable and unshakable." In other words, the prophecies in Scripture are a stable and unshakable proof of its inspired nature.

How do we know the Bible is really the inspired Word of God? Fulfilled prophecy. We'll spend the rest of this month looking at how it can be used as a mighty weapon against the criticisms and doubts that we're destined to deal with.

Discuss with your group the power of prophecy. How would fulfilled prophecy validate the inspiration of Scripture?

Dig into 2 Peter 1:19. What is the point that Peter is making in this passage? Why is he stressing the urgency of understanding the part prophecy plays in our faith? How has God’s Word been a light in the darkness for you?

Decide as a group to record the prophetic proofs that are covered over the course of this month. Journal your thoughts regarding those prophecies that speak loudest to you.

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