Humanity has a problem. It's sin. ~ Bob Coy


"But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die." Genesis 2:17 (NKJV)

Humanity has a problem. It's sin. Sin. Every day, in every way, people sin. So much so that it defines us. Sin isn't just something that we do, it's what we are. It's our nature. It's in our DNA. None of us have a choice in this matter. We're born into this existence as damaged goods. We are flawed and fallen-fallen from the plan and purpose God originally had for us.

How did this happen? It all goes back to the Garden of Eden where God first made man. There he was, spotless and new, without any defect, flaw, or sin of any sort. All was well with man, the world around him, and God. There was just one thing God required of man in order to maintain this perfect harmony: "Don't eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. If you do, you will die."

Several significant things were established when God gave His command. He showed that He was in authority, that man was responsible to obey Him, that it was possible to disobey Him, and that choosing disobedience would bring deadly consequences.

We all know what happened. Man chose to disobey, and by doing so he became something less than what God required. That's what sin essentially is-falling short of God's standard for our lives. From this point on, man became something different. His nature was altered, and he lost harmony with God, the world around him, and even himself.

Like a serpent, sin had wrapped itself around man's heart and proceeded to wind its way through the pages of human history.

Discuss, Dig, Decide

Discuss with your group how you have seen the effects of sin in your own life and the high cost of its consequences. Share an example of how a sinful choice produced sinful results.

Dig into Genesis Chapter 2. What purposes and plans do you discover in this passage? How were these plans altered in the choices that were made? What was the real sin that took place? How do you see that same sin showing up in your own life?

Decide with your group how this month’s study can offer each of you the greatest benefit and blessing. Share your expectations. If space is available, invite someone new to the group. Take bold steps to ask someone who you feel would be blessed to be a part of your group.
