Pastors are people too~Baron Eickhoff (update Michael James Stone)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

No car? No beep? No attendant? no gas? no XP?

So how's your day been today?
Today has been one of those days.

I woke up about 4:30 a.m. to pray and get ready for my day. I drove over to Flordia Hospital to pray for a friend before surgery. That part went great. But when I went back to the parking garage I could not find my car. After several prayers and several trips over the course of several levels in a hot garage, clicking the lock button on my key chain as I went in hopes that the car would beep to let me know where it was, I surrendered.

I then set about trying to find someone to help me. After several discussions with several different people in several different places, I finally found someone willing to drive me around in a golf cart. It turned out the car was pretty much where I thought it was, but the key chain didn't evoke a beep until I was literally standing behind the vehicle (my escort told me he thinks it needs a new battery- I didn't know they took batteries!).

My escort told me that many people found the car garage confusing on foot, and that I shouldn't feel bad. I then called brother Bill Cureton to let him know I wouldn't be back in time to lead the men's Bible study, and in my rush to get back to the church forgot that I had noticed earlier the car needed gas.

Oooops! Without warning the car engine stopped humming and the vehicle quit. Fortunately I was now on 405 near a few gas stations and my lovely wife answered the phone and agreed to fill up the gas can and come resuce me.

Oh, but the gas can had water in it. A trip to Wal-mart to get a gas can? Fortunately brother Brian Barnett was within walking distance of his home and he had a gas can with gas in it. Before you know it my wife and mother (who is here visiting from Texas this week) were on their way to me with a gas can and some gas.

Oh, did I mention that I had an appointment with our church copier guy Mike that I was about to miss?

Fortunately, brother Bill entertained him and he agreed to wait for me, and show me how to scan documents to my computer. I forgot to mention to him my laptop had Vista, and it turned out no XP operating system meant no ability to scan documents to my computer.

But Mike was able to show me how to scan to the church computer, and I can always transfer documents from there to a flash drive and then to my computer.

Oh, did I mention that the copier feed hasn't been working right, and Mike, our copier guy couldn't get it to work right? No worries, as brother Eric always says. Mike will be back tomorrow to replace the feeder,

I will leave here later and hopefully remember to put gas in brother Brian's gas can, and brother Bill will hopefully be able to come tomorrow to let Mike in since I will be in Melbourne early tomorrow.

Well, sorry to run, but I have to take care of a few things. Oh, I almost forgot, Good Morning Everyone!
I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall be continually in my mouth. (Ps. 34:1)
Yours in Him,

Pastor B.


Humerously.......... having worked for a few Pastors in my time.........., and been confidant to even more........., this occurs alot and they actually get out in a Pulpit and the majority of the time give a good Teaching or Sermon.

It is hard to let Pastors be people, because the congregations often want perfect Men of God. I know better. I have seen them at their best and their worst, the fact is Pastors are people too.

No better or worse than you and I.

Michael James Stone
