Now therefore perform the doing of it~Jon Courson

Now therefore perform the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to will, so there may be a performance also out of that which ye have.

2 Corinthians 8:11

‘You’ve expressed the desire to give,’ Paul says. ‘Now do it.’

Herein lies a great danger for us, for one of the great hazards of Bible study is thinking that by writing something in our notes or agreeing with it in our hearts, we’re actually doing whatever it is we’re writing down or agreeing with. James likens this to one who looks in a mirror and realizes there should be some changes made, but doesn’t do anything about it (James 1:23-24).

‘Happy are ye if ye do these things,’ Jesus said (John 13:17). If you’re basically unhappy, melancholy, depressed, discouraged, or defeated, the reason could very well be that there is something the Lord has told you to do with which you agree theoretically, but which you have failed to work out practically.

Her physical condition rendered her ceremonially unclean for twelve years. That is, her husband would divorce her; the community would shun her; she would not be allowed to worship in the temple. But then the Rabbi from Galilee walked through her city. Thinking if she could even touch the hem of His garment, she might be healed, she did just that — causing Jesus to call her something He never called any other women when He said, ‘Daughter, your faith has made you whole,’ (Matthew 9:22). What faith? Just a simple touch.

Forget the big plans, the high hopes, the visions of grandeur. Just do something now. Open your heart. Share with the person who’s struggling financially. Write a letter of encouragement. Pray for the person who’s hurting. Do something. Do anything. Just do it. The blessing is not in agreeing — it’s in doing.
